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When Liberalism Goes Terribly Wrong

When Liberalism Goes Terribly Wrong (Alternatively – When Populism Swings Left) We hope you will be able to join us for an important service from UU Spokane on Sunday August 18. As you see from the description below, the topic is timely, and given Todd's insights and...

New Edition of the UUnderWorld

The  Aug. 2024 issue of the UU Underworld: A Newsletter for Unitarian Universalist FreeThinkers is now available.here.This version of the UUUnderworld features articles, advise, humour and letters to the editor. Make sure you read and share Rebecca Pace's warning to...

Unitarianism and Freedom of Thought – by John Dietrich updated by and Todd Eklof

While many of us had the opportunity to hear Rev. Eklof present an amended version of Rev. John Dietrich's 1918 sermon,  "Unitarianism and Freedom of Thought", last Sunday on UUSpokane zoom, some of you did not. For me, it was an extremely powerful and meaningful...

New post GA issue of the UnderWorld

The UU Underworld - A Newsletter for Unitarian Universalist FreeThinkers is a new occasional periodical edited by John Griffin Miller. This 25 page, 2024 Post GA issue of the Underworld, contains  a summary of the activities and results of the recent General Assembly...

New NAUA Circle

NAUA is sponsoring another new CIRCLE called Nurturing Your Spiritual Life CIRCLE that will be open to 12 participants and will meet every other Thursday beginning at 4:00 PM PDT (7:00 EDT) for 10 to 12 sessions. The purpose of the CIRCLE will be to discuss ideas and...

Dr Todd Eklof’s Response to the Monumental UUA Bylaw Changes

In this 13 minute video Rev. Todd Eklof details the many concerns that many of feel after the wholesale revision of the Principles and Values of the Unitarian Universalist Association. He repeats a theme first introduced in the Gadfly Papers that the merge of the...

UUA Delegates Vote to Eliminate Principles and Sources

The voting delegates to the 2024 UUA General Assembly voted 80.2% to amend Article 2 of their bylaws to remove the 7 Principles and the Sources and to replace them with a set of values with 'love' at their centre.   Amendments to add "Reason" and "Peace" to the list...

Bob Simoni’s Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor: It’s now been 5 years since Rev. Todd Eklof published his book The Gadfly Papers and distributed it freely at the UUA General Assembly in Spokane in July 2019. Like the ceremonial nailing of the 95 Theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg by Martin...

New Issue of the Liberal Beacon

This issue of, #11 of the Liberal Beacon focuses on liberal religion’s connection to the wider world, beginning with Ann Pandya’s article about India’s first woman doctor and her relationship to Unitarianism. This is followed by an article submitted by the...

Rev. Todd Eklof – on the Road

The Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof is shown below visiting the members of the NAUA Fellowship in Hayward California. As always, it is nice when Unitarians across the continent make time, effort, and energy costs to meet face-to-face. Which reminds of the dates for the First NAUA...

4/10/2024 – How Migration Really Works – Bruce Knotts

4/10/2024 Bruce Knotts presents a discussion based upon the new book by Hein de Haas entitled “How Migration Really Works”. Hein de Hass is a professor of sociology at the University of Amsterdam and founding member of the  Migration Institute at the University of...

New Edition of the Liberal Beacon

The Liberal Beacon #10 Featured Articles:  Sensing the Spiritual Realm: Benneville and Early Universalist Pietism  - Vernon Chandler  Religious Pluralism in Context  - Terry Cummings  The Diversity of Diversity: Why Integration is Still the Right Way Forward - Bruce...

What stage of Reaction to the Changes in Unitarian Universalism are you at?

In this insightful article, Dr. Stephen Polmar examines changes and reactions within the Unitarian movement using the famous stages of grief model developed by Dr. Kubler Ross. This article was first published in the Oct. 2023 issue of the Liberal Beacon and bears...