4/20/2024 – Immigration/living in another culture – Being Welcoming
This month’s service features a sermon by Joyce Kinnear and her topic is “Immigration/living in another culture – Being welcoming”
Joyce and her husband Scott are long time Unitarians who have lived in Panama for the past few years and have recently moved to Mexico; they used to live in Castro Valley, California.

3/12/2024 – I Before We, Except Overseas: Tracing the Roots of our Multi-Century Identity Crisis by Ken Ing
I Before We Except Overseas – Tracing The Roots Of Our Multi-Century Identity Crisis
Most cultures of European descent cultivate individual identity more than other cultures of the world. We have to go back 60, or 100, or perhaps 300 years to find the roots of our contemporary debates over the role of identity in our society. One intriguing theory is that this focus on individual identity has been intentional and has a distinct purpose. This talk will look at some theories that help explain how we have ended up with increasingly destabilizing disagreements about culture and politics in North America and Europe.
Unitarian Rev. Samuel Joseph May – education, women’s rights, and abolition of slavery.
Aligning the efforts and successes of past Unitarian leaders with our efforts today, provides inspiration and lessons for each of us.
2/17/2024 – Abolitionist Rev. Samuel Joseph May by Rev. Rick Davis
The Reverend Rick Davis talks about American Unitarian Rev. Samuel Joseph May who during the nineteenth century championed education, women’s rights, and abolition of slavery.
Aligning the efforts and successes of past Unitarian leaders, continues to provide inspiration and lessons for each of us.