Top Notch Saturday Community Worship Service

NAUA’s monthly worship for October was service was exceptional. The music was first rate and Rev. Mark Gallager gave a very insightful sermon – Not Fallen Angels: Reconsidering fashionably cynical attitudes about humanity and civilization.

The zoom recording of this service is available at

A reminder that these monthly services are hosted on the third Saturday of each month starting at 10:00 AM PDT (1:00 PM EDT).  I find it saves time and hassle searching for the Zoom URL, if you paste the zoom address for these services into your calendar as well –

One can always watch the recording, but then you miss what often turns out to be the best part of the service (at least for some) the “coffee hour” discussion.

We hope to see you next and subsequent 3rd Saturdays!.

Latest issue (#7) of the Liberal Beacon

In this month’s issue from the Liberal Beacon Editorial Board:

  • Stephen Polmar uses  Kübler-Ross’s five stages of grief to explain Different Responses to the Current State of Unitarian Universalism.
  • Rev. “Twinkle” Marie Manning  shares her seasonal poem  The Dark Season.
  • Rev. Terry Cummings tells her story that eventually lead to her disfellowship.
  • Stephanie Gronholz and Lynn Jinishian  tell of their successful summer program Letting Kids Be Kids.
  • Lynn Jinishian reviews the book The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t.
  • Three letters to the editor.
  • Our regular updates from the Membership, Worship and Academy Committees.

We know you will enjoy this issues and we hope you pass it along to a friend or others in your congregation. Finally, we hope you consider joining one the NAUA committees – you will meet some very interesting folks and help us rebuild Liberal Religion.  To find out how to get involved email

Lit beacon, lighthouse

Religious Charisma

Latest News from NAUA

 The CBC Ideas program provides a daily broadcast and podcast on current and often academic topics. This podcast and text will be of interest to Unitarians who are trying to understand the rise, and demise of religion from an historical perspective. In this podcast and the text version, Dr Molly Worthen provides a a very compelling narrative focussing on religious charism and leadership.

The lecture was given in Canada and to serve her audience, Dr Worthen highlights differences in the religious experience and history of Canada. This will be of special interest to American NAUA members and helps all of us better understand our shared history and current perspectives.

The podcast lecture concludes with an interesting question and answer session. This is one not be missed!

A Very Compelling Academy Presentation!

The NAUA Academy presents its most compelling course to date with over 100 people registered. The presentation covers the philosophy and ideas behind the identity movement, that has driven so much controversy in churches, universities and businesses. This presentation helps us understand why.

The presentation  begins at about minute 2:36.

Please share this with a friend or two.