New NAUA Circle
NAUA is sponsoring another new CIRCLE called Nurturing Your Spiritual Life CIRCLE that will be open to 12 participants and will meet every other Thursday beginning at 4:00 PM PDT (7:00 EDT) for 10 to 12 sessions.
The purpose of the CIRCLE will be to discuss ideas and practices about how to nurture and facilitate one’s interior spiritual life. The meeting will involve participants sharing their internal personal experiences as well their use of external resources. The intent is to provide an opportunity for participants to learn from each other’s experiences. It is hoped that participants will benefit by learning more about practices that nourish their spiritual life and the spiritual life of others.
This CIRCLE will be led by David G. Markham, who is a Licensed Clinical Social Work Psychotherapist in New York State with over 54 years of experience in the mental health and substance abuse field as a clinician and manager. He has had an interest in Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy for several years. He was raised as a Roman Catholic and in his adult life explored all the major religious traditions and for twenty years was affiliated with three different Unitarian Universalist congregations.
If you are interested in participating in this CIRCLE, kindly send an email to and put “Spiritual CIRCLE” in the subject line, and we will respond quickly. Please include your phone number. We plan on beginning as soon as we have an adequate amount of participants.