Rev. Kate Rhode has successfully launched her lawsuit against the UUA. In the suit she charges that the UUA unlawfully disfellowshipped her and thus eliminated her pension. This follows a distinguished career as a UU minister. She served many congregations over 40 years of successful UU ministry.

Rev. Rhode has launched a GoFund Me page entitled “Make the UUA Responsible” at which she has (to date) raised over $27,000 on a goal of raising $48,000 for her legal expenses.

At the GoFundMe site she writes

“Recently, here in the U.S., the Unitarian Universalist Association has been captured by ideologues who hold power, silence and even punish dissent, and undermine democratic processes. They have captured ministerial certification and education, have done away with due process, and have surrounded what they are doing with such secrecy that the majority of church members are entirely unaware of what has happened to their formerly liberal faith. The Unitarian Universalist leaders and some laity are admonishing, censuring, and even expelling ministers and members who have run afoul of current orthodoxies.”

We hope her suit is successful and reminds UU leadership that criticism and debate are critical components of a liberal religion and not actions to be silenced.

You are encouraged to support Rev. Rhode financially and by sharing this website with other concerned Unitarians.


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